Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Year of the Ox

For most people, January means making (and breaking) new year's resolutions generally revolving around one of three themes: losing weight, saving money & and being a better person (Need further proof? See previous post). While the above still applies for international educators, January also marks the beginning of something bigger - the dreaded recruiting "season".  It works much like I imagine deer/pheasant/fox (?) hunting season to work- there is a generally agreed upon window of opportunity in which you are likely to find new employment/employees.  Except, in this scenario if you are a teacher looking for a job you actually want to be hunted (headhunted) and killed (hired) - okay, bad  metaphor.  The point is that January is exciting, stressful, nerve-wracking, disappointing and surprising all wrapped up in what is supposed to be a stress-free month.

Here is how the whole process works (the over-simplified version):

  • you realize you either a. hate your job or b. need to make more money
  • you spend countless hours writing and re-writing resumes, personal statements, filling in application forms and begging administrators for recommendations
  • you spend your life's savings to register for a job fair in a city that is at least a 7-hour plane ride away (there goes another $600).  Meanwhile you eat a lot of grilled cheese to make up for the loss of income.
  • you wait for January 
  • you head to Bangkok (or Kuala Lumpur, or London, or Boston etc...), dress up in a ridiculous suit that you would NEVER actually wear to work (c'mon - we're teachers!!), and try to sell yourself to a room full of people who invariably do not think you are qualified or have enough experience to teach (despite all the literature you have generated that would suggest otherwise).  If you are lucky,  you get many interviews and you leave said random city with a job offer.  If not, you leave.  And cross your fingers.

As I mentioned, January is a stressful time of year for international educators.  It is not unusual that teachers get sick directly after the job fair.  In fact, this year two teachers were hospitalized for various ailments upon their return from the fair (Coincidence?  I think not).  So, to get to my is for all these reasons that I feel extremely grateful!!  What???My September-November looked much like the one described above.  But December arrived and on its wings was a beautiful, lovely, wonderful job offer that would send Brad and I to Beijing in the fall of 2009.  It was the best Christmas present a girl could ask for: A JOB BEFORE THE JOB FAIR!!  Needless to say, we accepted.  :)

So to make a long story june will bid farewell to sandy Dubai and say 'Ni hao' to smoggy Beijing!!  Consider this an open invitation to come and visit!!

xoxo - ditty

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blogging & Jogging...

...neither are my favorite things to do. But both are good for me. And as always, AFTER the task is done I do feel better. This year for me is all about doing things just a little better - being a better friend, teacher, girlfriend, cook (!!!!), daughter, keeper-in-toucher - you get the picture. The good news for me is that I currently do not jog or blog at all - so ANY effort is better than the status quo!! No, that is cheating. I am going to make an honest attempt to keep ya'll posted on my world, little by little and bit by bit! I make no empty promises that there will be frequent, lengthy, clever, and witty posts - but do promise little odds and ends that will (hopefully) make you (and me!) feel that I am not a million miles away. So check in periodically to get your fill.

Happy 2009!!
